France’s Wine Culture Underscored During COVID-19 Crisis

France’s wine culture was underscored when during the COVID-19 lockdown, liquor stores were included as one of several essential businesses allowed to continue. Whereas in other countries, like the U.K. and the U.S., it took a month before the respective governments had decided to allow liquor stores, as well as bars and restaurants, to sell wines and spirits; but only […]

France’s Economy : Resilient but Still Struggling Despite Recent GDP Growth

France’s economy is described as sluggish when compared to the economies of other leading European Union countries like Germany and Italy. Yet, when it comes to resiliency, the French economy fares better, because it remains largely immune to the effects of global trade wars, particularly that of the trade conflicts initiated by U.S. against China. After all, the French people, […]

French Fashion : What Makes French Women Look Like Fashion Icons

There are a lot of ways to describe how French women dress: unique, effortless, chic or classy, but never flashy, trendy or colourful. In an interview with Vogue, top French model Lou Doillon describes French style of dressing as one that has a certain air of arrogance, That is mainly because Parisian women generally wear clothes that make them feel […]

Understanding the Influencer Program – What Influencers Actually Do and Earn

Influencer Programs made having a website one of the most lucrative ways to earn from a marketing campaign. As businesses came to reap the benefits of having an online presence, so did ordinary folks with extraordinary creativity and willingness to devote time, effort and some money in running their website. The influencer strategy enabled individuals to monetize, not only their […]

Alarming Rise of Anti-Semitism in America and How the Trump Administration is Addressing It

Anti-semitism are acts or expressions of hostility to people belonging to the Semitic race or religion, but mainly targeting Jews. Anti-semitic actions reached epic proportions during Adolf Hitler’s reign as leader of a convoluted socialist group of people who believed in purifying the Aryan race. That which they attempted to accomplish by eradicating not only foreign races, but also Aryan […]
