Colonoscopy as a Metaphorical Way to see Reality in Politics

“In the same way patients forget pain, voters forget the bad times if the economy improves before an election” –Daniel Finkelstein

The way people get manipulated in Politics can be compared to the method of curing a disease, the process is colonoscopy. To those who are not familiar with it, colonoscopy is the process of curing colon cancer. colonoscopy New Jersey offers great help on this. When people discovered the symptoms of a cancer and start feeling pain they will find ways on how to ease the pain. For this article, colon cancer and the method of curing it, which is colonoscopy will be used. However, when people find a way to ease the pain, they will tend to forget what happened in the past. Just like in the political world. If the leader do something bad and affects the society and the economy, most of the time, people will get mad and will do everything just to have someone who will replace the political leader. Unfortunately, people are easily manipulated and swayed by words and most of the time, material things and money of the political leader. As a result, the terrible things that he/she has done in the past will most likely be forgotten.

In order to go deeper on how Colonoscopy can be seen as a metaphorical way to see reality, we will be comparing political leaders or candidates’ crimes/mistakes as the cancer, and their flowery words and temporary good deeds as the process of colonoscopy. In today’s society, prior to voting, candidates will be on their best foot forward just to gain millions of votes. They will be spending lots of money constructing good roads just to show the public what they can give. These acts are considered colonoscopy, a process eradicating the cancer from the voter’s mind.

This is the sad truth about reality and this cancer in the society is continuously growing instead of eradicating. Surprisingly, people are aware of this, they are just choosing to go through the process just to get blinded and be able to contribute to the increasing number of politicians who are not really doing anything to make the world a better place, instead, planning everything based on their own agenda.

The video below may help you more on understanding politics and society.





