There’s probably nobody in america, who hasn’t witnessed the ongoing, constant debate about healthcare, about the best possible plan of action.
While there have been several views about the Affordable Care Act (also called the ACA, or Obamacare), and also a fair evaluation would indicate both advantages, in addition to drawbacks, the present politically motivated effort to re – define our healthcare system, may, or may not, also, be focused on enhancing, and/ or doing what’s in the best interests of many Americans.
When we have a President, who is apparently disinterested in keeping reality, and makes contradictory statements, it becomes easier, to recognize some of the inherent challenges!
This President bragged, during his campaign, he was the only Republican candidate, running, who wouldn’t touch Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, someone who might not even have read reviews for exposed skin care, nevertheless, the existing proposals, both the one approved by the House of Representatives, and the one being discussed by the Senate, are straight tweaking Medicaid, and, maybe, others, also!
1. Most individuals aren’t sure, and it seems, neither is Mr. Trump! I recently saw a statistic which Medicaid was, undoubtedly, the biggest insurer, for childbirth, children with disabilities, and adults with disabilities.
2. However, in order to get a single individual, to qualify for these subsidies, he must be getting under $42,000 each year! In many states, particularly with people with higher costs of living, taxes, etc, those limits are both unrealistic, and, possibly, even Draconian! Is the intention of this legislation, to create a better system, which will make prices lower, and provide much better reporting, and save the government money, or is it only, an effort to reduce the taxes for the wealthiest Americans? When one considers, healthcare represents around 15 percent, or more of the general economy, should not we seek the best, as opposed to a fake, politically – motivated work?
3. Repeal and replace, versus tweak and enhance: If the proposal doesn’t do what it promised to do, and does more for lowering particular constituents taxes, than enhancing healthcare, should not the attempt have been, to discover improvements, enhancements, and so on, and tweak the current plan, instead?
4. The faulty reasoning concerning mandating health insurance buying: While it may sound nice, to remove these mandates, if the smallest risk people, are eliminated in the general pool, rates will rise! It is simple mathematics and economics!
5. Funding: What actual, long – term improvements, to the medical system, are made, due to these proposals? This is but a cursory view of a challenging issue! If it took close to a year, to pass the Affordable Care Act, and there were still many problems, which needed fixing, does not it make sense, any alternative/ replacement, should be openly, thoroughly discussed, in public, instead of behind closed doors?