The Issue and Challenge with Human Rights

Human rights violation is a restriction of freedom of movement and thought; a right that every person has. While people could violate these rights, the governments oftentimes are belittling marginalized individuals. As a result, it puts people in cycle of oppression and poverty. Those who are approaching life with an attitude that not all humans are equal are perpetuating this cycle.

As we move further, we are going to disclose some obvious examples of violations of human rights and to the actions that people could do regarding this phenomenon.


The consequences of human rights violations are disproportionately affecting those who are living in developing countries as a result of challenges and compounding factors. Basically, there are times in which marketers ought to deal with this. And it holds true in the real estate sector too like Schatuwhuiswaarde. Sometimes, it is because of their race, gender orientation, color, religion, and whatnot. Other cases that are stigmatized include individuals who have HIV/AIDS, victims of rape, or any other kinds of gender-based violence.

Abusing Death Penalty

There are so many examples of human rights violations. One of it is the most heartbreaking as well and that’s the execution of children by the Islamic Republic. Javaid Rehman, the special investigator of human rights assigned by the UN stated in UN’s General Assembly back in 2019 October that the use of the death penalty is still in practice and remains at top of the global charts.

Iran is still a long way to go. This is mostly because of the ethnic and religious minorities that are facing high levels of discrimination. Rehmen has described maltreatment of human rights activists for being harassed, intimidated, arrested and detained. He reported as well that between months of September in year 2018 and July of 2019, 8 well-respected defense attorneys for human rights were arrested and later sentenced to extended time in prison.

New Cases of Violations

Those who are living in least developed countries are the ones that experience the worst violations ever. UN General Assembly has adopted Declaration on Right to Development in 1986 in an effort to specifically deal with this issue. The declaration is somewhat radical in a way that it is acknowledging the development as right for humans. Something that shouldn’t be enforced, although it’s a legal right. This is giving understanding that development is a critical component to reach equality and to protect human rights.
