Month: January 2017
US President, Donald Trump On The Growing Addiction Problem in the US
Donald Trump said that the opiod epidemic in the US is a tremendous problem. As it had been known, the open prescription of opiods as pain relievers attracted a bigger population of people addicted to opioids. The government has started control over opiods prescription. However, the bigger population of opiods addict diverted to heroin which is cheaper by the cost. […]
Public Relations in Politics
With modern day real time data sharing features, it’s essential for governmental organization or almost any political figure to really have a public relations strategy. Information is continually at our convenience which is as much as communication experts to ensure the right exposure is acquired. People’s ideas of their views matter as well as a person or business, along with […]
The Environmental Protection Agency on Formaldehyde Emission
It was recently announced that EPA has a new law that stands for the environmental, labor union, bipartisan group, and stakeholders in the US Congress. The law enforces a strict rule on formaldehyde emission from composite wood. Composite wood is used by many Americans across the country and thus this rule will highly affect many American lives directly or indirectly. […]
Politics as a Profession
To provide you with an easy description, a lifetime career politician is somebody who makes politics his/her primary supply of his/her money – it is butter and the bread for that success of group their family, or dependents. Here is the image of contemporary Philippine politics whereby the great majority of these that are holding elected articles think about the […]