Donald Trump said that the opiod epidemic in the US is a tremendous problem. As it had been known, the open prescription of opiods as pain relievers attracted a bigger population of people addicted to opioids. The government has started control over opiods prescription. However, the bigger population of opiods addict diverted to heroin which is cheaper by the cost. It has been estimated that the number of Heroin users has increased in recent years. Numbers show that it has almost tripled since 2003.
Newly elected US president, Donald Trump has spoken about the growing concern on drug addiction during his campaigns in 2016. His plans on battling the issue revolves around his plan to build a wall on the border to Mexico, which he said is the source of America’s growing drug addiction problem.
Trump on the issue of substance use: Proposed to build a wall on Mexican border to stop the flow of opiods to the US. He additionally said that US will spend the money to get addicts of heroin addiction
The public and media outlets are concerned about the unsuccessful ongoing war on drug addiction. Recent administration had been battling the issue but from one president to another, it seems the problem has gone bad to worse.
Combating the growing addiction problem in the United States needs immediate attention. Former president Obama has spoken about the issue and aligned some steps that can be done to address this.
For too long we’ve viewed drug addiction through the lens of criminal justice, The most important thing to do is reduce demand… – Barack Obama
Hopefully newly elect, Donald Trump, will have specific details on how to combat this issue soon other than closing the Mexican border.
Will the Trump administration refuel the war on drugs?
Meanwhile, rehabilitation centers across the country are doing their best to help decrease drug addiction by improving their services. There had been a great increase in the number of drug and alcohol rehab in Florida in recent years because of the increasing number of drug addiction in the state.