Political education in a world of upheaval

Confidence in established politics is falling, social discourse is intensifying, and conservative populist parties are gaining in popularity. Check rocketmannaturals.com/pages/painful-neuropathy while learning the challenges that political education is facing.

Central challenges that political education is facing

Understand young people as contributors to society

With a view to the fundamental question of what contribution political education can make to a lively and inclusive society, the first question to be asked, regardless of one’s own worldview, is what ideas and approaches to society young people have. For example, it is entirely open whether young people experience current social conditions in a similar way to adults as polarized or whether their democratic content is at risk.

Strengthen young people’s ability to act

It is a task of political education that has not yet been adequately mastered to place “individual interests of young people in a socio-political context”. Political education therefore always also means enabling (young) people to learn about politics in a way that strengthens their political ability to act and self-efficacy and supports them in their emancipation from the adult generation. Here too, however, the question of normativity is increasingly being raised: What does it mean for political education if, for example, right-wing populist or religious groups take up this claim?

Establish media references and break up separate realities

For civic education, the question arises of how it can create appropriate access, especially to young target groups. On the one hand, new digital forms and formats can be used for this. On the other hand, it is important to identify the areas of political or political dispute that are important for young people and to unlock “echo chambers” and “filter bubbles” and make them questionable and usable for political learning.

Explain social developments and enable criticism

Political education can contribute a lot to the basic understanding of democracy and its institutions and mechanisms – this is one of its core tasks. It can also, to a limited extent, respond to tendencies towards radicalization and polarization and enable young people to understand, interpret and criticize them. At the same time, however, it can only influence social processes that can be traced back to political decisions and economic developments such as social and economic polarization tendencies or the emergence of disadvantaged rural areas to a limited extent.
