Political eloquence is the ability to contribute successfully, i.e. convincingly, to political discourses. The rhetoric provides the criteria for oratorical success as well as the conceptual instruments for oratorical practice.
Rhetorical knowledge and skills are superfluous where there are undisputed criteria of what is true and right, i.e. where arithmetic and measurement, as well as logical conclusions, bring open questions to a decision.
Political action and road bike guide
Rhetoric is important because political action is inextricably linked to linguistic communication processes. Politics is designed, prepared, and triggered by or with language. It is accompanied, influenced, and controlled by language, it is described, explained, motivated, justified, responsible, controlled, criticized, judged, and, if necessary, condemned.
Politics does not go into language. But it is an important work tool for politicians. She is the element in which her profession takes place. Whatever they do, they always work with the written or heard word, their life is reading, speaking and writing, their working days consist of deliberations, meetings, debates, and public speaking.
So when politicians advise laws, negotiate political solutions, write opinions, make statements, express themselves in interviews, listen to speeches from others or give speeches themselves, they always act in the medium of language.
Politicians can write statements about Road and mountain bike reviews. They can participate in creating rules for car and bike racing to protect citizens.
Do citizens need to be able to speak about politics and road and mountain biking?
Democracy opens up a multitude of opportunities for its citizens to participate. Participation generally means taking part in the political public and arguing about the implementation of one’s own positions and interests. There are even voices that argue for an expansion of participation and want to establish a kind of “citizen power” in competition with the representative institutions. It goes without saying that under this condition the intensity of communicative activities will increase.
Participation processes such as future workshops, planning cells, and citizen forums require intensive negotiation processes. This requires speaking to others, clarifying something in public debates, and dealing with the points of view of opponents. The intervention and active citizens function as leading figures in political education for good reason.